Application Guide Without Service Fee Guide you how to apply for studying in Beijing University of Chinese Medicine & Study in bucm

Application Materials

1. Must be handed in:

1BUCM Application Form for Undergraduate Admission for International Student (downloaded on the official website of the College);

2)Photocopy of the passport information page (passports must have a validity of at least 6 months from the date of submission of the application);

3)Full-time high school or above graduation documents (incipient graduates can provide an expected graduation certificate), original or notarized documents, in Chinese or English;

4)Academic transcript (including at least one of the following), original or notarized documents, in Chinese or English:
*Official academic transcripts of all courses taken from the institution where the highest academic degree was obtained (original and notarized documents in Chinese or English); Documentation of national or State high school graduation;

5)A birth certificate or proof of nationality, including any naturalization that has occurred prior to the past four years

6)Language requirements
Chinese program: Applicants whose native language is not Chinese need to provide HSK level 4 (inclusiveor above certificate;

7)Video (about 3 minutes of a self-introduction video). Some students will be interviewed online;

8)A screenshot of the successful payment voucher or online remittance of the registration fee;

*Once the registration fee has been paid, it will not be refunded. If you are not admitted or had signed up for an item not eligible for application, the registration fee will not be refunded. Applicants are advised to consult with the Admissions Office of the International Academy for eligibility and other admission requirements before paying the application fee.

9)Additional materials requested by Beijing University of Chinese Medicine.

2. Optional Documents

1)Personal statement

2)A reference

3)Relevant certificates for talents and skills (photocopy of level certificates or award certificates)

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